Some Facts About Lions!

  1. The roar of an adult male lion can be heard from 8 kilometers (5.0 miles) away.
  2. Most lions are found in the wild live in the southern and eastern parts of Africa.

    Male Lion

  3. Elicit from students that the large size and sharp, pointed shape of lions teeth are used to shred and tear the meat they eat.
  4. Lions go to hunt for food mostly from dusk till dawn.
  5. By showing their teeth and sticking out there tongues, lions are able to catch hold of a smell to work out if its something worth eating.

Female Lion ( Left) Male Lion (Right)

Female Lions

4 Comments on Some Facts About Lions!

  1. Ms. Taylor
    March 20, 2019 at 10:23 am (5 years ago)

    Hi Evelyn. I love the pictures of lions that you selected to illustrate your post. Are these all male lions? Did you find any pictures of female lions? Do they look different from the males? I live in the U.S. so the only lions that I have seen “in-person” are in a zoo or animal park. Have you seen lions in a zoo? ..Ms.T.

    • dennisone
      March 20, 2019 at 9:21 pm (5 years ago)

      Hello. Thank you for liking my post. Oh yes I forgot to put female lions so I just put female lions onto my post. Sorry I didn’t realize that I didn’t have female lions and only male.
      Yes I have seen lions in a zoo but that was a while ago.

      Kind Regards

  2. Cherie Blessing
    March 21, 2019 at 7:38 pm (5 years ago)

    Hi, Evelyn! I have also only seen lions in the zoo. I lived in the city for a little while, and I used to take walks in the zoo there, so I would sit still and watch the lions for a long time to observe. I did hear them roar sometimes, so I believe your research about how loud they are from hearing it for myself!

    I enjoyed your pictures, and they brought back many happy memories of watching the lions.

    My favorite animals where I live include moose, loons, and blue herons. What animals are in the wild where you live?

    ~Miss Blessing
    #STUBC commenter
    Vermont, USA

    • dennisone
      March 21, 2019 at 9:04 pm (5 years ago)

      Hi! Thank you for believing my research I wasn’t really sure if I was right or wrong. My favorite animals where I live are Penguins,seals and horses.

      Kind Regards,



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