My Triathlon Recount


                                      Triathlon                                                   On Wednesday we had a school event called Triathlon. On Triathlon we had three sports, we had to do swimming,running and biking, I did swimming. You could be in a team of three or a solo. So every student who went to school had to do it or if you couldn’t then you had to help out the teachers. So right after lunch on Wednesday we all had to meet on the court so the teachers could tell who was going first and where the course was and how much laps you had to do. So for me I did swimming so I had to do eight laps of swimming but I could pick any swimming technique you like, I did backstroke, freestyle and some breaststroke. This event took place at OIS Oamaru Intermediate. The reason why we do this is to have fun and to be fit but also be part of a team.


I had a team instead of being a solo. In my team I had Skye and Lily Todd. When I was      sitting on the bench waiting for my turn I could see the water moving as the other students were swimming I could also see parents walking in to watch us swim. As I was gonna start the swimming I started to get very nervous because I was scared I was gonna be the last person out of the pool. It was my turn so I jumped into the pool it was super cold but as I started swimming then it started to get warmer but also I started to sweat but not that much. While I was swimming I could feel my drool in my mouth but  soon it started to get dry. I heard students and parents cheering other students as they were swimming.


After I finished swimming I ran out of the pool and had to go to where the people that were biking to let my teammate go. (which was Skye) When I let her go I started walking to the pool to get my stuff and then I went to the court to go cheer on my teammates and my friends too. So when my team finished I said “Good job” to Skye and Lily. As we all finished I felt tired and really happy that I finished the race and that I and my teammates never stopped and never gave up. We all went back to class after the teachers talked to us and said congrats to us for completing the course. When we all got back to class I got dressed out of my togs since I didn’t put my P.E gear back on, when I got back from letting my teammate go I just put on my towel around my waist then went to back to the court by Rm 12 to watch. When I was in class about to get let  go, I was getting super tired and I just wanted to fall straight asleep. Three of my classmates came 2nd which is really good.


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