May 2019 archive

Waka Ama/Camp Reflection


What did we do at camp?

We left school to Karatina at 9:00am and got to Karatina at 10:30am. When we got there we had ate some food at 10:30 to 10:45am and when we finished eating, at 11:00am group 1 which was my group had started on the waka on the Waikouaiti River and we were also planting harakeke on the spit, it was really fun. I went with my class which had 26 students, 5 parents and 1 teacher. At the end of the lesson the students had to help pack up all the equipment. At 1:30pm we swapped turns so group 1 went to the walk and group 2 went to the waka’s. First we had a guided walk around Huriawa peninsula, pa a Te Wera, with a cultural narrative then at 3:30pm we had finished and had to leave back to OIS and approx return at 5:00pm. When we had gotten back we went into room 4 and watched a movie ( The Whale Rider ) or we could’ve played board games. After a while we had gotten dressed into our Pj’s and went to sleep well except some of us. The next day we woke up and gotten dressed in our day clothes and had to take our equipment to our classroom. Then we had a choice to play inside or play outside, a few hours later we went back to our classroom before morning tea to get a chance to eat the baking and fruit we had bought. After morning we had went back to watch the ending of The Whale Rider and then played a short game outside. When lunch finished we went outside to play a game with room 4 which was Capture the flag and of course we won. Finally it was the end of the day and we all went home and took our stuff with us.


What was the most challenging part of camp?

Paddling in the waka.


To make camp better, I think I would change or add?

I would add a game at night with everyone ( e.g. spot light or tag )


What was the best activity? Describe why you thought it was the best.

The best activity was going on the waka’s it was so cool be in one especially since I never been on one before.


Describe one thing that you learnt while on camp

The maori culture.


South Africa Adventure – Week #29 (19) 100 Word

When I arrived in South Africa all I could see was brown on the grass,trees, and plants. My head started to get greasy, it felt like I just melted out of nowhere. I rushed inside seeing if there was any cold air to cool me down, I found some salt chips that had been put in a draw near my bed. I looked outside I saw something, it was huge and had a long neck I wonder what is was. I started to walk quietly around trying to figure out what the mysterious creature was. It was a huge Giraffe!



My blogging post 2019

My participation for my blogging so far I think is quite good. I really appreciate the people who read my blog and comment which helps a lot since some of them a tips and I start to get better from those tips. My favorite challenge was  Music since from the facts I wrote down I actually learnt more also.